Doğum Tarihi: 28.07.1970
Unvanı: Prof. Dr.
Öğrenim Durumu:
Derece |
Bölüm/Program |
Üniversite |
Yıl |
Lisans |
Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği |
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi |
1992 |
Y. Lisans |
Turizm Yönetimi |
University of Wales |
1996 |
Doktora |
Turizm-Yiyecek İçecek Yönetimi |
Sheffield Hallam University |
2000 |
Akademik Unvanlar
Yardımcı Doçentlik: 2002
Doçentlik: 2004
Profesörlük: 2009
0544 7139767
Yüksek Lisans Tez Başlığı (özeti ekte) ve Tez Danışman(lar)ı :
Doktora Tezi/S.Yeterlik Çalışması/Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı (özeti ekte) ve Danışman(lar)ı :
Görev Unvanı |
Görev Yeri |
Yıl |
Dekan V. |
İletişim Fakültesi |
2015-2016 |
Müdür |
Didim Meslek Yüksekokulu |
2005-2015 |
Bölüm Başkanı |
Turizm Fakültesi, Yiyecek-İçecek İşletmeciliği Bölümü |
2012-2016 |
Misafir öğretim elemanı |
İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi |
2005-2012 |
Misafir öğretim elemanı |
Özyeğin Üniversitesi |
2016-2017 |
Misafir öğretim elemanı |
Bilgi Üniversitesi |
2016-2017 |
Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri :
Kılınç, K. U., “Şikayet yönetimi ve yetkilendirme: Resort otel uygulamaları”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2003.
Ozan, E. “Çevresel Etkenler ve Duygusal İmaj: Turistlerin Alış-Verişte Yakınlaşma Uzaklaşma Davranışlarına Etkisi”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2007
Ayazlar, R. “Elektronik satın almada web sitesi özelliklerinin bilişsel çelişki üzerine etkisi”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2011.
Şahin, D. Restoranlarda Deneyimsel Pazarlama ve Müşteri Memnuniyeti, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2015
Yönetilen Doktora Tezleri:
Keser, E. “Müşteri Bağlılığının Nedenleri ve Sonuçları: Aktif Seyahatçiler Örneği”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi. 2008.
Bilim, Y. “Turizm Pazarlamasında Görsel ve Yazılı Tanıtım Materyali İçeriğinin. Satın Alma Niyetine Etkileri: Eksik Bilgiye dayalı çıkarımlar”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi. 2010.
Kılıç, U. “Şikayet Yönetimi: Müşteri-İşgören etkileşiminde sessiz iletişim”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2011.
Mil, B. “Alan algısının turistlerin yemek deneyimleri üzerine etkileri”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2012.
Yanık, A. “Yeni medya kullanımındaki akış deneyiminin risk algısı ve online turstik satin alma niyetine etkisi”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2014.
İşçi, C. “Duyusal metaforik tanıtımın ön deneyim, reklam tutumu ve satın alma davranışına etkisi: Akış deneyimi yaklaşımı”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, 2016.
Hakem sürecinde |
Ayazlar, R & Yuksel, A. Flow experience in Paragliding: Effects on experience and life satisfaction, Journal of Tourism Analysis. |
2018 |
Yüksel, A. Kimin için yazmak? Soid. |
2018 |
Yüksel, A. Doğru bilinen yanlışlar serisi (2): Hipotez yanılsaması. Soid. |
2018 |
Graţiela Georgiana Noja, Simona Mirela Cristea, Atila Yüksel, Ciprian Pânzaru and Raluca Mihaela Drăcea. Migrants’ Role in Enhancing the Economic Development of Host Countries: Empirical Evidence from Europe. Journal of Sustainability. Haziran. |
2017 |
Yuksel, A.. Nillius in verba: Hakikati bul! Soid. |
2017 |
Yuksel, A. & Tufan, E. Publication bias in the tourism, travel and hospitality research, International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE) 6(4). |
2017 |
Yuksel, A. & Culha, O. An assessment of the acceptance of government-ıssued tourısm strategıes: a case of tourısm students, Journal of Tourism Planning and Development. |
2017 |
Yuksel, A. A critique of “Response Bias” in the tourism, travel and hospitality research, Tourism Management, Volume 59, April 2017, 376-384 |
2016 |
Yuksel, A. Uyku, biyolojik ritim ve kimya: tüketicilerin bilişsel ve duygusal fonksiyonlarına etkileri. SOİD. |
2015 |
Yuksel, A., Yuksel, F. Bilimsel yayınların bulguları şüpheden uzak mı? SOİD. |
2014 |
Yuksel, A., Yuksel, F. & Bilim, Y. Customers’ assessment of destination advertisement with incomplete information: Interactions among inferences, attitudes and purchase intentions, Journal of Quality Assurance in Tourism & Hospitality |
2013 |
Aydın, R. & Yüksel, A. “Bilimsel Dergilerde Değerlendirme: Hakemler Neden Görev Alır?” (How do referees evaluate and why they take part in the process?) Tralleis e-Dergisi. |
2012 |
Ayazlar, R. & Yüksel, A. Web Sitesi Kalitesi, Risk ve Güven: Bilişsel Çelişki ve Tüketim Sonrası Davranışlar Üzerine Etkileri (Website quality, Risks and trust: Cognitive dissonance and Postpurchase Behaviors) Seyahat İşletmeciliği ve Otelcilik Dergisi. |
2011 |
Yuksel, A., Yilmaz, I, Yuksel, F & Kayacan, M. Tanıtım Materyalleri ve Çekicilikler: Türkiye, İspanya ve Yunanistan Karşılaştırması, (Promotional materials and appeals: A comparison among Turkey, Spain and Greece). Seyahat İşletmeciliği ve Otelcilik Dergisi. 8-2, 1-13. |
2010 |
Yuksel, A, Yuksel F & Bilim, Y. Destination attachment: effects on customer satisfaction and cognitive, affective and conative loyalty. Tourism Management. |
2010 |
Yüksel A. ,Çulha O. ,Epik F. , Efendi E. . Turizm Bakanları ve Söylemleri:Türkiye'nin Turizm Politikası ,SOİD Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi. 6 ,4 ,6-25 ,2009 |
2009 |
Yuksel, A. Exterior Color and Perceived Retail Crowding: Effects on Tourists' Shopping Quality Inferences and Approach Behaviors. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism |
2008 |
Yuksel, A. Nonverbal Service Behaviour and Customer’s affective assessment, Journal of Quality Assurance and Tourism and Hospitality , 2 , 2 ,60-91 |
2008 |
Yuksel, F. Yuksel, A. Perceived Clientelism: Effects On Residents' Evaluation of Municipal Services and Their Intentions for Participation in Tourism Development Projects. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 2 ,2, 21-51 |
2007 |
Yuksel, A. & Akgul, O. Postcards as Affective Image makers: An idle agent in destination marketing. Tourism Management |
2007 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Shopping Risk Perceptions: Effects on Tourists’ Emotions, Satisfaction and Expressed Loyalty Intentions. Tourism Management |
2006 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Customer segments and service recovery expectations: Results of a quasi experiment. UJ Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 1(1), 11-36. |
2006 |
Yuksel, A. Customers’ Emotional and Behavioural Responses to Complaint Handling. In Parul Parihar (Ed.), Promises and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management. |
2006 |
Yuksel, A., Hancer, M, & Kılınc, U. Empowerment levels and complaining behaviors: A case of hotel customers’ behavioral intentions. In Parul Parihar (Ed.), Promises and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management. |
2006 |
Yuksel, A., Kilinc, U. & Yuksel, F. Cross-national analysis of hotel customers’ attitudes toward complaining and their complaining behaviours. Tourism Management |
2005 |
Yuksel, F., Bramwell, B. & Yuksel, A. Centralised and decentralised tourism governance in Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research |
2005 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Managing Relations in a Learning Model for Bringing Destinations in Need of Assistance into Contact with Good Practice. Tourism Management |
2004 |
Yuksel, A. Shopping Experience Evaluation: A Case of Domestic and International Visitors. Tourism Management |
2004 |
Yuksel, A. Turizm, seyahat ve konaklama alanlarinda yapilan kültürlerarasi calismalara yonelik elestiriler ve oneriler. Icinde Yuksel, A. ve Hancer, M (Eds). Turizm: Ilkeler ve Yonetim. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi (Cross cultural studies: Critique) |
2004 |
Yuksel, A., Kılınc, U. K. & Yuksel, F. Türk ve Hollandalı Otel Müşterilerinin Şikayet Davranışları: Farklar ve Benzerlikler. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi. |
2004 |
Yuksel, A Otel müşterilerinin şikayet davranışları: Kültürlerarası farklar ve benzerlikler (Complaint behaviours of hotel customers: Cross cultural differences and similarities). Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi. |
2003 |
Yuksel, A., & Kilinc, K. U. Calisanlarin gozuyle konaklama isletmelerinde musteri sikayetleri ve kullanilan iyilestirme stratejiler (Employeees perspectives on customer complaints and recovery responses). Seyahat ve Turizm Arastirmalari Dergisi. 3 (1): 13-25. |
2003 |
Yuksel, A. Market segmentation based on customers’ postpurchase performance evaluation: A case of tourist diners, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. |
2003 |
Yuksel, F., Yuksel, A & Hancer, M. Work expectations of hospitality and tourism students and the industry performance. Journal of Travel and Tourism Research. |
2003 |
Var, T & Yuksel, A. Sustainable tourism development: the case of pretty village. e-Review of Tourism Research |
2003 |
Yuksel, A. Writing publishable papers, Tourism Management. |
2003 |
Yüksel, A & Kılınç, K.U. Müşterilerin şikayet çözümüne yönelik konaklama işletmelerinden beklentileri ve değişik müşteri grupları arasında beklenti farklılıkları. (Customers’ recovery expectations and segment-based differences). Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi. 14 (1): 23-32. |
2003 |
Yuksel, A & Kılınc, K. U. Konaklama işletmelerinde yetkilendirme ve şikayet sonrası müşteri davranışları üzerine etkileri (empowerment and its effects on post-complaint behaviours), Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi |
2002 |
Yuksel, A. Akademik İçerikli Makale Değerlendirmede Hakemlerce Gözetilen Ölçütler (Review criteria for scientific papers), Anatolia: Turizmde Arastirmalar Dergisi. |
2002 |
Yüksel, A. & Yüksel, F Segment specific measurement of customer satisfaction, Journal of Vacation Marketing, |
2002 |
Yüksel, A. & Yüksel, F Market segmentation based on tourists dining preferences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. |
2001 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Measurement and Management issues in customer satisfaction research: review, critique and research agenda: part 1, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 10 (4): 47-80. |
2001 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Measurement and Management issues in customer satisfaction research: review, critique and research agenda: part 2, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 10 (4):81-112. |
2001 |
Yüksel, A. & Yüksel, F. Comparative performance analysis: tourists’ perceptions relative to other destinations. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 7 (4): 333-357 |
2001 |
Yüksel, A. & Yüksel, F The Expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm: A critique, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 15(2), 107-131. |
2001 |
Yüksel, A. Managing customer satisfaction and retention: a case of tourist destination. Journal of Vacation Marketing, |
1999 |
Yüksel, F., Bramwell, B. & Yüksel, A. Stakeholder Interviews and Tourism Planning at Pamukkale, Turkey, Tourism Management, 20, 351-360. |
1998 |
Yüksel, A. & Rimmington, M. Customer Satisfaction Measurement: Performance Counts, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, December, 39(6), 60-70. |
1998 |
Yüksel, A. & Rimmington, M. Tourist Satisfaction and Foodservice Experience: Results and Implications of an Empirical Investigation, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9(1): 37-57. |
Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler
2018 |
Tufan, E., Yüksel, A., Eriş, F. Taştan, A. You are what you perceive and eat. Conference. 4th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge Based Sustainable Economıc Development - Eraz 2018. |
2017 |
Gratiela, Noja, Cristea Mirela., Yüksel, Atila, Yüksel. Brexit spillovers through international flows empirical evidence for EU 27 and the UK. ICONEC Conference.
2017 |
Yüksel, A., Ay, A., Cansel, A. & Ekiz, E. Quality vs quantity: what Edirne’s tourism management is missing? Paper to be presented at the 7th advances in hospitality marketing and management conference, Cyprus, Romania
2017 |
Yüksel, A. & Tufan, E. Publication bias in the tourism, hospitality and travel journals. Paper to be presented at the Int. conference on economics and administration, Romania
2017 |
Tufan, E., Yüksel, A. & Mermerci, B. Space size and hotel preference. Paper to be presented at the 3rd. Int. knowledge based sustainable economic development, Eraz Conference,
2016 |
Yüksel, A. Vacation: A recovery or trauma?, Paper presented at the ICONEC Conference, University of Craiova, Romania |
2016 |
Yüksel, A. Better understanding of tourist behaviour: Knowledge transference from natural sciences, International 5th M-sphere conference for multidisciplinarity in social sciences, Dubrovnik, 2016
2016 |
Yüksel, A. “A critique of response bias in the tourism, travel and hospitality research, Tourism Trends and Dynamics International Conference, |
2014 |
Yüksel, A. “Shake-up: 7 experiments challenging quantitative research” Heritage Tourism and Hospitality Conference, Pre-Conference Event speech |
2013 |
Yüksel, A., Yüksel, F., & Çulha, O. Antecedents of community support for tourism strategic plans developed by the central government: Community attachment, trust and support”. International Conference on Tourism “Changing Asian Consumption Patterns and Emerging Dilemmas”, Gunazhou, China, Sun-Yat-Sen University
2008 |
Yüksel, A., Yüksel, F., Esen, O & Bilim, Y. Exterior Colors: Effects on Tourists’ Perceptions of Retail Environment, Crowding, Quality Inferences and Approach Behaviors, 4th International Conference on Tourism, Athens.
2007 |
Yüksel, A., Cengiz, S & Hancer, M. Effects of non-verbal behavior on customers’ recovery judgments: A neglected aspect in complaint handling, International I-CHRIE Conference |
2005 |
Yüksel, A. Shopping Risk Perceptions: Effects on shopping emotions, satisfaction and expressed loyalty intentions. Security in Tourism, Izmir Economy University, Izmir, Turkey. |
2002 |
Yuksel, A., Hancer, M, & Adak, N. Turizm ve konaklama sektöründe stajyer yönetici adayları: Sektöre yönelik beklentiler ve sektör performansı, Turizm Bakanlığı Eğitim Semineri
2002 |
Hancer, M., Adak, N. &Yuksel, A., Yeni staj programlari uzerine dusunceler, Turizm Bakanlığı Eğitim Semineri
2002 |
Yuksel, A. Some thoughts on consumer behaviour and cross-cultural tourism research, Chartering and prospering in uncertainty, Paper presented at the International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism, UITM, Malaysia.
2002 |
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Who should determine customer satisfaction: The researcher or the researched?, International Tourism Conference, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus.
2002 |
Yuksel, A. Ethical destination marketing and management: A new tool or a ploy for competitive advantage? International Tourism Conference, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus.
2002 |
Hancer, M. Yuksel, A. & Yuksel, F. Franchising: Causes of failures, 2nd National Tourism Congress.
2002 |
Yuksel, A., Yuksel, F. & Hancer, M. Social impacts of tourism and the role and contribution of universities, 2nd National Tourism Congress.
2002 |
Yuksel, A & Yuksel, F Dining-out: a neglected dimension of tourist satisfaction. 1st International Mediterranean Conference.
2000 |
Yüksel, A. Determinants of tourist satisfaction: Findings from Turkey, the Fifth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, USA.
2000 |
Yüksel, F. & Yüksel, A Decentralised tourism administration: is it the way forward? First International Joint Symposium on Business Administration, Challenges for Business Administration in the New Millennium
2000 |
Yüksel, F. & Yüksel, A Tourism Plan formulation and implementation: The role of interorganisational relations. First International Joint Symposium on Business Administration, Challenges for Business Administration in the New Millennium
2000 |
Yüksel, A. & Yüksel, F The Quest for Quality and Competitiveness: A Case of Turkey, First International Joint Symposium on Business Administration, Challenges for Business Administration in the New Millennium.
2000 |
Yüksel, A. Managing Customer Retention: A Case of Tourism Destinations, Turkey, Tourism 2000: Time for Celebration, UK.
1998 |
Yüksel, A. & Rimmington, M. Management of Tourist Satisfaction: Towards a More Focused Approach. 7th Annual Hospitality Research Conference, Glasgow, UK.
1997 |
Yüksel, A., Rimmington, M. & Yüksel, F. Concepts of Customer Satisfaction and their Measurement: Results and Implications of an Empirical Investigation, Hospitality Business Development, Conference Proceedings: 123-28, UK.
1997 |
Yüksel, A. & Rimmington, M. An Integrated Approach to Customer Service Evaluation, Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research, (2): 31-45, USA. |
Değerlendirmede |
Yuksel A., Androgoji ve İş Dünyası. Yetişkinler Eğitimde. Yayın aşamasında
2018 |
Yuksel A., Aykırı : Araştırmada Yanılsamalar, Detay Yayıncılık : Ankara
2018 |
Yuksel A., Fent, A7Kitap. İstanbul : Roman
2018 |
Yuksel A., Babamın Mevsimleri, A7 Kitap, İstanbul : Roman
2017 |
Yuksel A., Geçit: Ben kabolmadan önce, A7 Kitap, İstanbul Roman.
2016 |
Dolares, M., Go, F. Yüksel, A. (ed) Heritage Tourism Destinations: Preservation, Communication and Development. Cabi Publications
2015 |
Yuksel A., Yanık, A. &Ayazlar, R. (Ed) Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık
2008 |
Yuksel A. (Ed) Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing, New York
2008 |
Yuksel A., Bilim, Y & Mil, B. (Ed) Nitel Araştırma: Ne? Neden? Nasıl?, Detay Yayıncılık
2004 |
Yuksel, A. & Hancer, M (Editors) Turizm: Ilkeler ve Yonetim. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi [Tourism: Principles and Management]
Yuksel, A. & Yuksel F. Turizmde Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi (Research Methods in Tourism) |
Kitap Bölümleri
2018 |
Yüksel, A. Mystery of spiritual intelligence. Predictions, prohecies and possibilities. In Koc, E. (Ed). Emotional intelligence i hospitalitya dn tourism. Cabi Publising
2017 |
İşci, C. , Yüksel, A . “Experience-Based Tourism Marketing Approaches. Development of Social Sciences.
2014 |
Yüksel, A & Yanik, A. Co-creation of value through social media: How?”. In “Co-creation of experience value – a tourist behavior approach”. Eds: Nina K. Prebensen, Joseph Chen, & Muzaffer Uysal
2014 |
Yüksel, A. Yüksel, F., Culha, O & İsci, C. “Centrally formulated tourism development plans: Evaluations, attitudes and behaviors of excluded community members”. In Nunkoo,. J & Smith, Eds, Trust, Planning and Development
2008 |
Yuksel, F. & Yuksel, A. Clientelist Relationships: Implications for Tourism Development in the Declining Coastal Resort of Kusadasi, Turkey In Agarwal, S. & Shav, G. (Eds) Coastal Tourism Resorts: A Global Perspective
2008 |
Atila Yüksel, Introduction to Customer Dis-satisfaction Management, in Yuksel A. (Ed) Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing
2008 |
Atila Yuksel Tourist Satisfaction: Definitional and Relational Issues, in Yuksel A. (Ed) Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing
2008 |
Atila Yüksel & Fisun Yüksel Consumer Satisfaction Theories: A Critical Review, in Yuksel A. (Ed) Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing,
2008 |
Atila Yüksel & Fisun Yüksel Comparison Standards in Customer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction Research, in Yuksel A. (Ed), Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing
2008 |
Fisun Yüksel & Atila Yüksel Who should determine satisfaction: Researcher or the Researched?, in Yuksel A. (Ed) Tourist Satisfaction and Complainng Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing
2008 |
Atila Yüksel & Fisun Yüksel Different Nationalities, Different Holiday Motivations and Attribute-seeking Patterns, in Yuksel A. (Ed). Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing,
2008 |
Atila Yüksel & Serhat Cengiz Customer Recovery Judgments: Effects of Verbal and Non-verbal Responses, in Yuksel A. (Ed). Tourist Satisfaction and Complaining Behavior: Management and Measurement Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Nova Science Publishing
2006 |
Yuksel, A., Hancer M. & Yuksel, F. Building a Long-Term Shared Perspective for Destinations in Stagnation: The Visioning Experience of Kusadasi, In Liu, T. Tourism Management, New Research. Nova Publishing
2006 |
Yuksel, A. Customers’ Emotional and Behavioural Responses to Complaint Handling. In Parul Parihar (Ed.), Promises and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
2006 |
Yuksel, A., Hancer, M, & Kılınc, U. Empowerment levels and complaining behaviors: A case of hotel customers’ behavioral intentions. In Parul Parihar (Ed.), Promises and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management.
2004 |
Yuksel, A. Turizm, seyahat ve konaklama alanlarinda yapilan kültürlerarasi calismalara yonelik elestiriler ve oneriler. Icinde Yuksel, A. ve Hancer, M (Eds). Turizm: Ilkeler ve Yonetim. Ankara: Turhan Kitapevi (Cross cultural studies: A Critique) |
2007 |
İpuçlarını Okumak: Görüşmelerde Sözsüz İletişim Ve Duygusal Veri, Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi |
2007 |
Araştırıcı, kimdir? Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi |
2007 |
Minor araçlar- Major Sonuçlar: Destinasyon Tanıtımı Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi |
2002 |
Yüksel, A., Yüksel, F. ve Hançer, M., “Turizmin sosyal etkileri”, Turizm Bakanlığı II. Turizm Şurası, Ankara
2002 |
Hançer, M. Yüksel, A. ve Yüksel, F., “Franchising: Başarısızlık kriterleri”, Turizm Bakanlığı II. Turizm Şurası, Ankara
2004 |
Yüksel, A., Kültürler arası araştırmalar üzerine eleştiriler ve öneriler, İçinde Yüksel, A. Ve Hançer, M. (editörler), Turizm: Yönetim ve İlkeler, |
Ulusal &Uluslararası Projeler
Bilimsel ve Mesleki Kuruluşlara Üyelikler
CHRIE - Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, 2005-2008
Editör: Seyahat ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi /Journal of Travel and Tourism Research
Kurucu Editör: Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi
Yayın Kurulu Hakem -
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI),
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing (SSCI),
Tourism Analysis,
2014-2017 - Webometrics Türkiye en üretken 1000 bilim insanları listesi
2016- Best Paper Award, Yüksel, A. “Tourism Trends and Dynamics International Conference”
2001 - Martin Oppermann Award, Best article of the year, Journal of Travel and Tourism Research,
2001- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Award, Best article of the Year: Runner-up, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
Son İki Yılda Verdiği Lisans Düzeyindeki Dersler
Araştırma yöntemleri, İnternet ve Pazarlama, Pazarlama Yönetimi, Kritik Düşünme, Tüketici Davranışları, Uygulamalı spss, Müşteri Şikayetleri Yönetimi, Proje Yönetimi, Sosyal Medya Kampanyası, Seyahat Blogculuğu, İletişim
Eğitim ve konferansların takvimi aşağıdadır. Eğer 'bende katılayım' derseniz, ulaşıp kayıt olabilirsiniz.
Eğitimlerimizin takvimi aşağıdadır. Eğer 'bende katılayım' derseniz, ulaşıp kayıt olabilirsiniz.
The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English.
After breakfast, proceed for tour of Dubai city. Visit Jumeirah Mosque, World Trade Centre, Palaces and Dubai Museum. Enjoy your overnight stay at the hotel.In the evening, enjoy a tasty dinner on the Dhow cruise. Later, head back to the hotel for a comfortable overnight stay.
Eğitimlerimizle Hayalindeki Mesleği Yapabilirsin!